

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Weight Loss Tips: Circuit Training

Weight Loss Tips: Circuit Training
Circuit training is known to be a method used to achieve weight loss. I assume that you already know the basics of circuit training. But in case you forget, circuit training involves performing various exercises in succession with only a few second rest. If you are interested in this type of weight loss workout, there are tips that should be followed:
1.          Cross Training
Our body is very good in adapting to imposed demands. In order to force change your body, the imposed demands must change also. You will have to cross train. Cross training means to complete different types of exercises without having to repeat the same movements again and again. It will keep the body guessing for the next movement and keeps the body to adapt to change and keep responding. In order to cross train, you have to do a different kind of routine everyday.

2.          Interval Training
Interval Training is achieved by adding burst of intense cardio exercises in your workouts. It is one of the essential components in cardiovascular training. In order to perform the training appropriately, one must understand the stages of heart rate. To calculate the maximum heart rate of a person, you must subtract the person’s age from 220. Once your heart rate is determined, you will have to multiply it by .65 to determine the low heart rate stage. Low heart rate is a person’s heart rate when he’s at rest. The medium heart rate is calculated by multiplying the maximum heart rate by .75. This is the heart rate level of a person during the weight training portion of the routine. To find the level of a person’s heart rate during intense cardio burst of a routine, multiply the maximum heart rate by .85. 
During workout, a person must switch bet high, medium and low heart rate exercises. This type of interval training maximizes the body’s ability to burn fats and hasten weight loss even if the exercise is completed or finished. 

3.          Limit Heart Rates
To potentially lose weight and keep the heart rate up, you have to perform resistance training exercises back to back. Exercises must target different parts of the body. Rest periods allows the heart rate to slow down in a resting rate. If the heart rate at its resting rate, the person is not working to his productive level.

4.          Eat healthy
All exercises need to be combined with a healthy diet in order to maximize the efficacy of the workout and yield faster results. 

Circuit training is best done by beginners and people who have average fitness to tone their muscles. Professional athletes use circuit training as basic conditioning and strength workout to help maintain aerobic fitness. You can enhance your weight loss potential and calorie burning capacities if you keep a number of strategies in mind. You can device a couple of intensive exercises for your cardio exercises and use compound training exercises such as chest press.       

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