

sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Weight Loss Circuits Designed to Your Level

“Weight Loss Circuits Designed to Your Level”
We are already acquainted with the benefits that circuit training does for our body but the main reason on why most people exert the effort to undergo circuit training, was the promise to lose weight in a small span of time. Combined with the right diet, and thorough assessment of your fitness instructor, you are on the right track to a healthy and fit body. Here are three of the best weight loss circuit exercises that you can try out based on your level. Remember that circuit training requires continuation of high intensity exercises from one activity to another with only few rest intervals.
1.         Beginner Body Weight Workout. This workout is perfect for beginners.
·             You start by having a good warm up. Warm up with light cardio for about five minutes before you start circuit training. It could include marching, running, or skipping in place or just do a little freestyle dancing.
·             You the following exercise:
o   20 body weight squats
o   10 push ups
o   20 walking lunges
o   10 dumbbell rows
o   15 second plank
o   30 jumping jacks
Do this routine 2 – 3 times a week but not consecutively. If dumbbells are not available, you can choose anything that is challenging to lift 10 times in a row. Ensure that you do not fall short on your warm up although you can fall short on the workout itself if you fell a little burnout. If you are a little lost at what to do, you can watch the video here

2.         Hurricane Workout.
·             You start by having a good warm up. Don’t tire yourself out completely. Just let your heart rate elevated and sweat a little.
·             Mount up on a treadmill and do short sprints on speed 3-5 miles per hour with the maximum amount of incline that you can handle with your good running form.   
·             After your short sprint, hop off the treadmill and do back-to-back exercises. Remember that continuation is important and keep your rest interval to a minimum.
·             Do another short sprint on the treadmills and then hop off the treadmills and do back to back exercises
·             Repeat the whole work out nine times.
3.          High Intensity Fat-Burning Circuits. This is one of the most effective ways to burn large amount of calories. As the name states, it is of high intensity. It is recommended to repeat the prescribed movements as many as possible in 40 seconds, and take 20 second rest. After the rest period, immediately start the next movement. At least repeat 3-5 rounds.
·             Lunges
·             Pushups
·             Squats
·             Pull ups
·             Burpees
These exercises are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. There are other circuit programs that are more intense and uses more fitness equipments. Be sure you are assessed by your fitness instructor so that you can be prescribed with the best circuit program that fits you. Ensure that you have the right calorie diet and keep junk foods, sodas and candies out of the way of your training.  

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