

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Circuit Training Exercises: You're No Ordinary Routine

Circuit Training Exercises: You're No Ordinary Routine

If you want to retain and at the same time, have progress in your stamina, mobility and strength then circuit training exercises is for you. There are six to ten agreed exercises for strength to complete and it is performed one exercise after the other. You must complete the instructed time to accomplish or number of repetitions to move on another exercise. Circuit training exercises can only obtain short period of rest and each circuit can only be separated by longer rest period. The circuit training you perform must consider the training level you have, whether you’re already in advance or still beginner, or in between. In addition to that, your training must also be specific if it is only for preparation or you’re getting ready for a certain competition. Along with those considerations is to know your training objective.

Training Sessions

A person must be able to choose their circuits according to their available resources. In identifying circuits, you must keep in mind that two consecutive exercise will not be able to push the same muscle group. Before starting the exercise, body warm up must be executed in circuit training exercises and then also a cool down after. The setup of the sequence must be from total body, the upper then the lower body, lastly is the core and trunk. Check out the following sessions of circuit training:

·             Treadmills, press ups, squat jumps, in forward astride.
·             Bending knees while feet on the ground with sit ups.
·             Squat thrust and bench dips.
·             Thirty minutes is the given time for the rest period in between as they work on each exercises in twenty to thirty minutes. On the other hand, three minutes is the given time as you rest after each set.

For most sports, the circuit training has the advantage for it is the most recommended. It can be adjusted in terms of age in developing strength and endurance. It boost up your self esteem because of its easy to follow exercises, completing it is an achievement! Athletes become more enthusiastic in this kind of training because of the wide range body stability it covers.

If you want a full body circuit workout, you can use these circuit exercises:

·             First Circuit includes Step Ups, Push Ups, and Walking Lunges.
·             Second Circuit includes Squat Jumps, Triceps Dips, and Elbow Plank with Leg lift
·             Third Circuit includes Wall Sit, Bicycle Crunch and side plank.

You see, any circuit training workout plan like that can be obtained by anyone according to their own preferences. Even circuit training at home can also be done with these real simple circuits:

·             First move is Pike up for core, chest and arm
·             Second move is Burpee for core, chest, arms, legs and back
·             Third move is Sprint in place which can work the whole body
·             Fourth move is Side Plank with reach through for core, chest and arms
·             Fifth move is three way lunge for legs, back and core
·             Sixth move is Tricep Press for core, chest and triceps
·             Seventh move is Prison Squat for legs, back and core
·             And lastly, Sit Out for the entire body

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