

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Circuit Exercises for Men

Circuit Exercises for Men

Circuit exercises is a combination various aerobic exercises and resistance training which will result in increased muscular strength and endurance and the benefits of aerobic fitness. A set of resistance exercises are called circuits which is done in rapid succession. After completing the whole circuit, it is repeated 2 – 3 times in the same order. Rest period are typically very short usually 15-30 seconds.
Why should we try it?
This is a good training for men who want to build resistance, lose weight, and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is also perfect for men who do not have enough time to go to the gym and exercise, plus, it provides them with the benefits of doing resistance training and aerobics at the same time in a few minutes.
Intensity of Workouts
The intensity level is considered as medium. You are allowed to push yourself to the limit. The exercise routines will continue to challenge your body by continued succession of exercise, repetitive cycles and fewer rest.
The main reasons why it is beneficial for men are as follows:
·             Less gym time and more efficiency
·             It improves the body strength and physical fitness
·             It burns more calories in only a short amount of time
·             Workouts are designed the train the whole body in a single session
These are the following reasons why several people do not prefer this kind of training:
·             This is not recommended for men who wanted increase their strength and size
·             Compared to other trainings, this workout only provides modest amount of strength and muscle gains
·             This type of training is not suitable for crowded gyms because exercises must be done in succession. It would be hard if you have to line up in order to use machines.
·             The circuit requires at least moderate level of aerobic exercising
How do I choose between circuit training and traditional training?
The choice depends on your fitness goals and limitations. You will have to assess yourself in order for you to find out what’s the best option to do to achieve your entire goal. Ask yourself the following questions:
·             Do I have enough time to spend for my training?
·             How many hours can I spend for my training?
·             Which part of my body do I want to improve?
What else should I know?
Cost. You don’t have to worry about the cost of training when you decided to do it yourself. You can device your own circuit and you are free to do it at home. If you prefer to go to the gym, then you will have to pay the necessary fees to be able to use their machines freely.

Equipment. You can choose your own equipment depending on your body weight. You can also substitute weights for common house items that can be challenging to lift. You can but fitness weights at the store or if you are a gym buff, then you are free to use the gym equipments as long as you pay the proper fees required by the gym.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Circuit Training – Is it for you?

“Circuit Training – Is it for you?” 

            A lot of people decided to enroll in exercise programs in hopes of achieving the desired weight in addition to muscle gain. Circuit training is a series of repetitive low resistance workouts designed to loose fat without losing the muscle in addition to other health benefits such as increased cardiovascular fitness, strength endurance, and mental toughness. Each workout is composed of six different circuits with two or more cardio/strength exercises that has to be performed one right after the other with minimal rest periods usually 30 – 90 seconds between intervals. The main point of this routine is to do more workouts in less time that’s why the use of fitness machines is highly recommended.
            Why do we do circuit training?
1.         Because we want to achieve maximum results in minimum time. This is perfect for people who wanted to acquire maximum results but has less time to spend on workouts. This workout allows you to fit in a lot of exercises within 15 minutes or an hour. You don’t have to waste your time waiting in line for a specific fitness machine because it is easy to swap from one station to another different exercise and still get the same amount of workout.
2.         We want to have a healthy heart and a strong body. This workout allows you to train your strength as well as caring for your cardio fitness by combining intervals of high-intensity cardio exercises and weight lifting.
3.         We want to lose weight and increase metabolism. Intense training and heavy weight lifting can program your body to burn calories in within 20 minutes of workout and you’ll have the afterburn effect of burning up more calories for up to 48 hours after your workout ends.
There are a lot of ways to circuit training. You can choose 10 to 12 varieties of exercises – it can be all cardio, all strength or a mix of the two types as long as it is of high intensity and have variety of moves. Start with a warm up followed by your choice of first exercise and keep doing it for 30 – 60 seconds before starting with the next exercise. Continue to go through all of the exercise with minimum intervals of rest. When you are done, you can repeat the whole circuit as long as your body can handle it.    
You could also choose to enroll at specific programs that are offered by fitness facilities. However, before you could enroll at a specific program, you will have to assess yourself and give thought to the following:
  • Why do you want to do circuit training?
  • Are you interested to improve all your body areas or on specific areas only?
  • How much time will you commit for the workout?
  • Does you facility offers a complete variation of fitness machines available?
Some fitness facilities offer workouts for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels. It is up to you to know what the best program that works for you is. 

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Circuit Training Exercises: You're No Ordinary Routine

Circuit Training Exercises: You're No Ordinary Routine

If you want to retain and at the same time, have progress in your stamina, mobility and strength then circuit training exercises is for you. There are six to ten agreed exercises for strength to complete and it is performed one exercise after the other. You must complete the instructed time to accomplish or number of repetitions to move on another exercise. Circuit training exercises can only obtain short period of rest and each circuit can only be separated by longer rest period. The circuit training you perform must consider the training level you have, whether you’re already in advance or still beginner, or in between. In addition to that, your training must also be specific if it is only for preparation or you’re getting ready for a certain competition. Along with those considerations is to know your training objective.

Training Sessions

A person must be able to choose their circuits according to their available resources. In identifying circuits, you must keep in mind that two consecutive exercise will not be able to push the same muscle group. Before starting the exercise, body warm up must be executed in circuit training exercises and then also a cool down after. The setup of the sequence must be from total body, the upper then the lower body, lastly is the core and trunk. Check out the following sessions of circuit training:

·             Treadmills, press ups, squat jumps, in forward astride.
·             Bending knees while feet on the ground with sit ups.
·             Squat thrust and bench dips.
·             Thirty minutes is the given time for the rest period in between as they work on each exercises in twenty to thirty minutes. On the other hand, three minutes is the given time as you rest after each set.

For most sports, the circuit training has the advantage for it is the most recommended. It can be adjusted in terms of age in developing strength and endurance. It boost up your self esteem because of its easy to follow exercises, completing it is an achievement! Athletes become more enthusiastic in this kind of training because of the wide range body stability it covers.

If you want a full body circuit workout, you can use these circuit exercises:

·             First Circuit includes Step Ups, Push Ups, and Walking Lunges.
·             Second Circuit includes Squat Jumps, Triceps Dips, and Elbow Plank with Leg lift
·             Third Circuit includes Wall Sit, Bicycle Crunch and side plank.

You see, any circuit training workout plan like that can be obtained by anyone according to their own preferences. Even circuit training at home can also be done with these real simple circuits:

·             First move is Pike up for core, chest and arm
·             Second move is Burpee for core, chest, arms, legs and back
·             Third move is Sprint in place which can work the whole body
·             Fourth move is Side Plank with reach through for core, chest and arms
·             Fifth move is three way lunge for legs, back and core
·             Sixth move is Tricep Press for core, chest and triceps
·             Seventh move is Prison Squat for legs, back and core
·             And lastly, Sit Out for the entire body